
अगस्त, 2017 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

- The work against which there is no right to private immunity

                                                   - The work against which there is no right to private immunity: ---   The work which is not reasonably practiced by the death or the objectionable purpose and if the work is done by a public servant or is tried to do then that task Private person has no right to private immunity. There is no work to be done in the directive of the public servant and if there is no possibility of causing death or serious prejudice due to that work, then the right to private immunity is not available against that work. If the person has time to get help from public authorities, then that person has no right to private immunity.  When the expansion of the rights of privat...

dhara 99 or 100

       धारा 99 -- वे कार्य जिनके विरूद्ध प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा का कोई अधिकार नही है---ःःः  जिस कार्य से मृत्यु या घोर उपहति युक्तियुक्त रूप से कारित नही होती और वह कार्य लोकसेवक द्वारा किया जाता है या करने का प्रयत्न किया जाता है तो उस कार्य के विरूद्ध प्राइवेट किसी व्यक्ति को प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा का कोई अधिकार नही है।     लोकसेवक के निर्देश मे कोई कार्य किया जा रहा है और उस कार्य से मृत्यु या घोर उपहति कारित होने की संभावना नही है तो उस कार्य के विरूद्ध प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा का अधिकार प्राप्त नही है।     यदि व्यक्ति के पास लोक प्राधिकारियो से सहायता प्राप्त करने के लिये समय है तो उस व्यक्ति के पास प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा का कोई अधिकार नही है। धारा 100--  शरीर की प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा के अधिकार का विस्तार मृत्युकारित करने पर कब हेाता है --   शरीर की प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा का अधिकार मृत्यु कारित करने तक होता जब ऐसा हमला किया जाये जिससे यह प्रतीत होता है कि हमले का परिणाम मृत्यु होगा, बलात्संग करने के आशय से किया गया हमल...

section 95,96,97,98

  धारा 95--  तुच्छ अपहानि कारित करने वाला कार्यः-   भारतीय दण्ड संहिता की धारा 95 कहती है कि किसी व्यक्ति को कोई व्यक्ति तुच्छ  अपहानि कारित करता है  तो मामूली समझ और स्वभाव वाला कोई व्यक्ति उसकी शिकायत नही करेगा। तो वह अपराध की श्रेणी मे नही आता है। धारा 96 -- प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा मे की गई बातें--        भारतीय दंण्ड संहिता की धारा 96 कहती है कि प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा मे किया गया कोई कार्य अपराध नही है। धारा 97 -- शरीर तथा सम्मति की प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा का अधिकार--        भारतीय दंण्ड संहिता की धारा 97 कहती है कि हर व्यक्ति को वह अधिकार प्राप्त है जो उसकी व अन्य की प्राइवेट प्रतिरक्षा मे कार्य करे।     1.    मानव शरीर पर प्रभाव डालने वाले किसी अपराध के विरूद्ध अपने शरीर और किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के शरीर  की प्रतिरक्षा करे     2.    कोई व्यक्ति  चोरी, लूट, रिष्टि, या आपराधिक अतिचार  या चोरी लूट, रिष्टि, आपराधिक अतिचार करने का प्...


                                                           - Functions that cause minor offense:       Section 95 of the Indian Penal Code says that if a person causes a person to despise a minor, then a person with slight understanding and temperament will not complain about him. So it does not fall under the category of crime.  - In the case of private immunity,  Section 96 of the Indian Penal Code says that any act done in private defense is not a crime.  Right to protection of body and opinion -   Article 97 of the Indian Penal Code says that every person has the right to work in private immunity of him and others. 1. ...

section 93 94

                                                   - Consecutive communiqué: -         Section Section 93 PS says that no information is given to a person for its benefit, and if there is no harm to that person by that notice then it is not a crime.  The work to which no person has been threatened by the threat: -       There is nothing wrong with the offense punishable by death and death which is against the state, which is done by a person who has been forced by such threats to do so, to whom he reasonably feigns it It is done that the result of the work will be that the person will die immediately, but when the person doing the task, by his own will, or ...

section 91,92 of indian penal code

                                                                                                   Section 91- Exclusion of such acts which is also a crime without due to defamation ---       Section 91 of the Indian Penal Code says that the exception of section 87 88 89 is not extended to those acts which even without self-harm Is that which is the opinion of the person who gives the opinion or whose behalf is given by the person, or the cause of the cause, or the probabi...

section 88, 89,90 of indian penal code

                                                      Section-88 is a goodwill work done with consent for the benefit of a person, which does not mean to cause death: -         According to Section 88 of the Indian Penal Code, if a person acts in a person's behalf, There is no reason to do it. So that work is not a crime. In order to save a person, a doctor treats the person with the intention of saving his life with the consent of that person and during that operation the death of the person causes death, then the doctor has not committed any crime. Section 89 - Work done with goodwill for the benefit of the child or the man with the consent of the guardian or by his c...


                                             SECTION 41 OF JUVENIL JUSTICE                                                  The work of a distorted mind: -            Someone who is distorted mind does any work that is contrary to the law. But the said person is unable to know about the defective work or adverse of the law. So the work done by him is not a crime.  The work of such a person who is unable to reach the decision due to his intention of being in MaT a person:...

section 81,82,83 of indinan penal code

                                                                                                                               section 41,42,43 of juvenil justice  - The work which is likely to cause harm, but which is done without the criminal subject and for the prevention of other abuses ----            - Section 81 of the Indian Penal Code says that if ...


                                                JUVINIL JUSTICE ACT The work done in the court's decision and the following: When a person does any work in pursuant to the decision and discipline of any court under section 78 of the Indian Penal Code, then that action is not a crime. But that judgment of the court does not remain intact, then the work done in that follow up will be considered a crime. But even if the court does not have the authority to make such a decision or a deal, even then the exclusive method passed by him will be valid.  The work done by the law by the law or by the fact that the person forgives himself to be judged by law, forgot the fact: - Section 79 of the Indian Criminal Code says that when a person does such a th...

section 76, 77 of ipc

                                                      Section 76 - The work done by the person who believes in being bound by law due to the fact or the fact of his mistake; - If a person performs an act which is bound to be done by the law or because of the mistake of the fact, due to the mistake of the law, it is bound by the law to perform that task, then that task is not a crime. Example: - When the Court of Justice is accused of being judged by the court for arresting A, B, he after getting the same will believe in the arrest of C, B.C.C. The court officer did not commit any crime. Section-77 Judicial Function for Judicial Work: - Acting judicially, the work done by the judge according to the law is not a ...

solitary confinement

                                                       Section 73 - The solitary confinement: - When a person is punished for a crime which has a provision for rigorous imprisonment. Then the court will pass such a decision that the offender will be kept in confinement of some part of the imprisonment for which he has been punished. The solitary confinement will not be more than three months. If confinement is not more than 6 months then the solitary confinement will be of one month. If the period of imprisonment is more than 6 months and not more than one year then the solitary confinement will be two months. Section 74- Duration of confined confinement: - In the execution of the order of the confinement o...

party with frend




section 55 63 of ipc

55. Memorandum of life imprisonment for life imprisonment: - On the case of imprisonment for life imprisonment, the appropriate government can shorten the prison sentence upto 14 years. Section 63 Penalties: - In the case where the amount of penalty is not expressed, the offender is a liability for the fine which is unlimited but will not be excessive.

section 55, 63 of ipc

                                                                       55 आजीवन कारावास के दण्डादेष का लघुकरणः-  जिस प्रकरण मे आजीवन कारावास का दण्ड दिया गया हो वहाॅ पर भी समुचित सरकार 14 वर्ष तक के कारावास मे लघुकृत कर सकती है। धारा 63 जुर्माने की रकम:-  जिस प्रकरण मे जुर्माने की राषि अभिव्यक्त नही की गई है वहाॅ अपराधी जिस रकम के जुर्माने का दायी है वह अमर्यादित है किन्तु अत्यधिक नही होगी। धारा 64 जुर्माना न देने पर कारावास का दण्डादेष:-  कारावास और जुर्माना दोनो से दण्डनीय अपराध के मामले मे जिसमे आरोपी कारावास सहित या रहित जुर्माने से दण्डादिष्ट हुआ है।  तथा कारावास या जुर्माने अथवा केवल जुर्माने से दण्डनीय अपरा...

punishment of ipc

                                                                      Language Property: - Property under movable property that comes in a real estate. But land and things that are breeding or frozen things are permanently stuck with something. It does not come under. Section 53 Penalty: - In the Indian Code of Conduct, the offender can be punished by death, lifetime imprisonment, which is both plain and harsh, imprisonment of property, can be punished by fine. Through lifetime caring is the impression that the accused will be in jail for all his life. But life imprisonment will be counted as 20 years.

punishment of ipc

                                                                                                                                  tomarlawnews.blogspot.com ज्ंगम सम्पत्ति:- जंगम सम्पत्ति के अंतर्गत ऐसी सम्पत्ति जो मूर्त सम्पत्ति मे आती हो। किन्तु भूमि और वे चीजे जो भूबद्ध हो या भूबद्ध किसी चीज से स्थायी रूप् से जकडी हुई हो। इसके अंतर्गत नही आती। धारा...

juvinil justice 2015

किशोर न्याय अधिनियम 2015 1.    किशोर न्याय अधिनियम 15 जनवरी 2016 से लागू। 2.    इस अधिनियम मे अध्याय-10 व धारा-112 है। 3    अध्याय निम्नानुसार-         1.    प्रारंभिक-         2.    बालको की देखरेख और संरक्षा सिद्धांत         3    किशोर न्यायिक बोर्ड         4    विधि का उल्लंघन करने वाले बालको के सम्बंध मे प्रक्रिया         5.    बाल कल्याण समिति         6    देखरेख और सरंक्षण के लिये जरूरतमंद बालकोें के सम्बंध मे प्रक्रिया         7    पुनर्वास और समाज मे पुनः मिलाना         8    दत्तक ग्रहण         9    बालको के विर...