section 76, 77 of ipc


Section 76 - The work done by the person who believes in being bound by law due to the fact or the fact of his mistake; -If a person performs an act which is bound to be done by the law or because of the mistake of the fact, due to the mistake of the law, it is bound by the law to perform that task, then that task is not a crime.Example: - When the Court of Justice is accused of being judged by the court for arresting A, B, he after getting the same will believe in the arrest of C, B.C.C. The court officer did not commit any crime.Section-77 Judicial Function for Judicial Work: - Acting judicially, the work done by the judge according to the law is not a crime.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

महिलाओ का कार्यस्थल पर लैंगिक उत्पीडन(निवारण, प्रतिषेध और प्रतितोष) अधिनियम 2013

साइबर सुरक्षा के उपाय

भारतीय न्याय संहिता की धारा 125 मे सजा और जमानत