section 91,92 of indian penal code



Section 91- Exclusion of such acts which is also a crime without due to defamation --- 

     Section 91 of the Indian Penal Code says that the exception of section 87 88 89 is not extended to those acts which even without self-harm Is that which is the opinion of the person who gives the opinion or whose behalf is given by the person, or the cause of the cause, or the probability of the occurrence is known.Abortion is to be committed, unless it has been done harmoniously for the purpose of saving the life of that woman. Whether abortion is done with consent or without consent, it will be considered as a crime.

Section 92- A goodwill carried out for the benefit of a person without consultation: - 

       Any thing that has been done without any good wishes for the benefit of a person, because of any such offense which caused that person Go, not a crime. If the situation is such that it is impossible for the person to express his consent or that the person is unable to give consent and there is no guardian or a lawful person other person than that, so that it may be possible to get the consent at such time. That can be done with the benefit


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

महिलाओ का कार्यस्थल पर लैंगिक उत्पीडन(निवारण, प्रतिषेध और प्रतितोष) अधिनियम 2013

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