JUVINIL JUSTICE ACT

The work done in the court's decision and the following:

When a person does any work in pursuant to the decision and discipline of any court under section 78 of the Indian Penal Code, then that action is not a crime. But that judgment of the court does not remain intact, then the work done in that follow up will be considered a crime. But even if the court does not have the authority to make such a decision or a deal, even then the exclusive method passed by him will be valid.

 The work done by the law by the law or by the fact that the person forgives himself to be judged by law, forgot the fact: -

Section 79 of the Indian Criminal Code says that when a person does such a thing for which he has got permission from the law then he is not a crime. Nor is he a crime when he understands the fact that he can get permission from the method to do that work.

Accident in Section-80 Wisdom Work: -

The person acts in a manner that is useful in the form of a legitimate means and with proper conduct and there is no accident in doing that work, that work does not appear in the category of crime.

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