Section 498-A IPC

Section 498 IPC 

 Whoever knows, or has reason to believe, any married woman, who is the wife of another man, and who is the wife of another man, from that man, or from someone who is  Carries that woman on behalf of the man, luring or hiding with the intention that the woman should have illegal sexual intercourse with another person, then she should be given a car for a period  Habitat that can be extended up to two years, or will be punished by a fine, or both.

 Punishment - two years imprisonment or pecuniary punishment or both.

 It is a bailable, non-cognizable offense and is negotiable by any magistrate.

 This crime is negotiable by the victim's husband and wife.

Section 498-A IPC

           Someone, being a husband or husband relative of a woman, will be cruel to such a woman, she will be punished with imprisonment, which can be up to three years and punishable with fine.
 Explanation - For the purposes of this section, cruelty means the following: -
 (A) Any intentional conduct that is of such a nature as to induce a woman to commit suicide or to cause serious harm or danger to her life, limb or health (whether mental or physical).  is ;  or
 (B) harassing a woman, where she or any person related to her in relation to any legal demand for any property or valuable security in order to harass her or any person related to her or in relation to such demand  Being unsuccessful is thus being bullied.
Complaint be made under Section 498-A

 According to section 468 of the Indian Penal Procedure Code, 1973, a complaint alleging an offense under section 498-A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, can be lodged at the police station within 3 years of the alleged incident.  However, according to section 473 of the Indian Penal Code, the court has the right to consider even after the expiry of the time limit for the filing of a complaint in such an offense, if the court is satisfied that in the interest of justice  must to do.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

महिलाओ का कार्यस्थल पर लैंगिक उत्पीडन(निवारण, प्रतिषेध और प्रतितोष) अधिनियम 2013

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