Friends, this time i am telling u about the crime of entering the house.



Friends, this time i am  telling u about the crime of entering the house.

Section 427- Rishti and loss of rupees fifty rupees or more, will be punished with imprisonment or fine, and it will be considered by the crime magistrate.
Section 428- If a person is satisfied by killing, poisoning, handicap or deforming any organism of ten rupees or more, then he will be punished with imprisonment of two years or fine and this offense will be cognizable.
Section 449- A person who will be punished with life imprisonment for committing the offense of death, will be punished with imprisonment for life or imprisonment for 10 years. The trial will be conducted by the court of the crime.
Section 450- Any person who commits domestic offense to committing a life sentence for life imprisonment will be punished with ten years of imprisonment and fine.
Section 451- If a person stays homework and is arrested for committing a criminal offense, then he will be punished with imprisonment of two years and fine. And this crime is bailful.
Section 452- If any person chooses homage after preparing for attack, assault, etc, then he will be punished with imprisonment for 7 years.

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इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

महिलाओ का कार्यस्थल पर लैंगिक उत्पीडन(निवारण, प्रतिषेध और प्रतितोष) अधिनियम 2013

साइबर सुरक्षा के उपाय

भारतीय न्याय संहिता की धारा 125 मे सजा और जमानत