cyber law and insurance is our life


cyber ​​law is compalsary for every person because every person use the technical device ,when use technichal instrument then hakers hack my account so use cyber law and insurance

In simple ways, we can say that cyber crime acts as a unemployed computer, in which the computer is either a tool or a target or both. In cyber crimes, criminal activities can be included which are in traditional nature, such as theft, fraud, forgery, defamation and mischief, all under the Indian Penal Code. Computer abuse has also given rise to a range of new age crimes, which has been addressed by the Information Technology Act, 2000.We can classify cyber crimes in two ways

Computer as a Goal: - Attacking other computers using a computer
Such as hacking, virus / worm attack, dos attacks etc.
Computer as a weapon: - To use a computer for real-world crimes.
Like cyber terrorism, IPR violation, credit card fraud, EFT fraud, obscenity etc.Cyber ​​law (also called cyberlaw) is a term that describes legal issues related to the use of communication technology, especially "cyberspace", i.e. the internet. There is a different area of ​​law in the manner of property or contract, because it is an intersection of many legal areas including intellectual property, privacy, freedom of expression, and jurisdiction. In essence, cyber law is an attempt to integrate the challenges presented by human activity on the Internet with the legacy system of laws applicable to the physical world.Cyberlov is important because it touches almost all aspects of transactions and activities about the Internet, the World Wide Web and Cyberspace. Initially it seems that Cyberlov is a very technical field and it has no effect for most activities in cyberspace. But the real truth is that there can be nothing more than truth, whether we know or not, there are some legal and cyber legal approaches in every action and every reaction in cyberspace. Does Cyber ​​Lo concern me?Yes, cyberlov concerns you as the nature of the internet is changing and this new medium is being viewed as the last medium developed in human history, you can get cyberglass perspective in each and every activity in cyberspace. . When you set up your web site, as long as you promote your website, when you send and receive email, from that time on, when you do electronic commerce transactions on that site, at all times, in this Issues of various cyberloas you can not be bothered about these issues today because you can feel that they are very far away from you E does not have the effect. But now or later, you have to take care of cyberlaw for tightening your belt and for your own benefit. Benefits of cyber lawThe IT Act 2000 strives to change the old laws and provides ways to deal with cyber crimes. We need such laws so that people can purchase transactions on the net through credit card without fear of misuse. This law has provided a very necessary legal framework so that the information can not be denied legal effect, validity or enforcement, only on the basis that it is in the form of an electronic record.In view of the increase in transactions and communication made through electronic records, the Act wants to empower the government departments to accept the filing, construction and retention of government documents in digital format. In this Act, a legal framework has been proposed for the authentication and origination of electronic records / communication through digital signature.

From the perspective of e-commerce in India, IT Act 2000 and its provisions include many positive aspects. First of all, the implications of these provisions for e-business will be that email is now a legitimate and legally form of communication in our country. , Which can be duly formulated in law court.
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महिलाओ का कार्यस्थल पर लैंगिक उत्पीडन(निवारण, प्रतिषेध और प्रतितोष) अधिनियम 2013

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